Think that your lunch break isn’t enough time to get fit, eat better or just introduce a bit more happiness into your routine? Think again. We’ve packed a lot of yum into our tiny Lunchbox Loaves, and we have every faith that you can pack more into your lunch break too. Whether you’ve got 5 minutes or a leisurely 60, prepare to do something that’ll shake up your routine and maybe even change your life.
Take your running shoes to work
Okay, so we didn’t say you had to run quite yet. But if you’re equipped with some half decent trainers, there’s nothing stopping you from taking a power walk around the block. And maybe in a few weeks time, you might find yourself jogging half of that. The ‘Couch to 5k’ app is a great way of working up the confidence to run further, and who knows? You may even start to enjoy it…
Create or cultivate
We’ve all got different passions, and we’re probably all guilty of not giving them enough attention. Whether you’re an aspiring writer or want to learn French, try to take 30 minutes out of every lunch break and dedicate it to your project. It might seem like a measly amount of time, but it’ll soon make a difference.
Absorb some greenery
None of us get enough nature. Fact. Whether you work on a National Trust estate or in an industrial park, there is no excuse not to get outside and feel the wind on your face. Aim for at least 15 minutes outside. You’ll be topped up with Vitamin D, and it’ll give you some much needed headspace within a day that is mostly conducted in front of a computer.
Take the Soreen challenge
If you’ve got a little more time on your hands than usual, then why not put that time into making a fantastic lunch? Take a pre-sliced malt loaf, and spend the next 5 days trying a different topping every lunch. Once you’ve nailed it, send us your creations on Instagram with the hashtag #SoreenToppings, and at the very least you’ll get a repost.